HCSC 2024 : Salomon Signature Session™ Recap




From the High Cascade desk: The air traffic was heavy during Session 5 with the Salomon crew members showing up in full force. Campers and staff alike, witnessed their stunt team put on an aerobatics show full loops, rolls, dives, and stalls. Shout out to Cobra Dogs for pulling up to the show to keep their crew members from going hungry during the non-stop week.


Featuring: Stewart Tulane, Nora Beck, Ellie Weiler, Brendan Sullivan, Sean Fitzsimmons, Brayden Charette, Antonio Astillero, Tucker Fitzsimmons, Luke Lund, Jack Coyne, Harrison Gordon, Irie Jefferson, Pat Fava, Robby Meehan, Justus Hines, Finn Westbury, Elijah Winningham, Veda Hallen, Blake Moller, Cian Suter, Emma Crosby, Tommy Gesme, Noah Genzink, and Kaden Rusinko

Film and edit by: Colin Woodward