Everyone has their own definition of favorite. But not once in the short history of Shot List has favorite meant the absolute all-time most fucked up thing I’ve ever filmed. Favorite is usually everything else, some outside force that made the day or the spot or the trick memorable. For Skylar Brent, this week’s Shot Lister (Shot List recipient?) there’s a simple reason why he chose the clips that he did. “I spent forever trying to think like, what are my top favorite shots? It’s really frickin hard. I just went with the ones I think about the most.” 


Skylar Brent

Originally From: Woodbury, CT

Currently Residing: Atkinson, NH


Mike Rav—Straddle: 

I don’t know what you’d call this. I think I wrote down Creeper-Straddle. It’s a frontside creeper and he puts his leg over the top and hits the other side. Super silly but pretty cool. We were just going to Loon pretty much every day that we were home and just filming for these Loonatics edits. We spent so much time up there, just looking at everything, trying to figure out what to do. I can’t remember if it was his idea or my idea to do this trick, but I think it was kind of a joke. And then he tried it a couple times and I just thought the shot looked super sick. I don’t think anyone has really done that. Or I don’t know why they would [laughs]. It’s pretty funny but I always think about that shot because it’s sick looking and it just has a cool vibe in that edit. And I could see Mike starting to approach spots differently around this time. Instead of doing the type of tricks the spot called for he was really starting to think out of the box. This clip to me kind of marks the beginning of the transformation into the Mike Rav that exists today.

Jake Kuzyk—Line: 

We planned a really last-minute trip to Bulgaria for Landline. I was helping the Vans crew out the second year they were filming—which was cool because I’ve been friends with Harry and Tanner for a long time and it was sick to work with those guys on a project. So yeah, randomly we saw that…what’s that area? Let’s just say Southeast Europe. We saw they were getting a shitload of snow. I was talking to Jake and we just planned a last-minute trip out to Bulgaria. It was a fucked up trip because I don’t think anyone got their bags for like a week. We only had like six or seven days to rally down to this town that was like three hours away from the airport. We got in and there was a shitload of snow, a shitload of spots and we just ventured around and found a bunch of stuff. But I think one day we were at a spot and Jake just ventured off on his own and came back and was like, “found a sick spot.” So, we started filming it. It was a really unique spot because it had this really cool, triangular little up rail that closes out into this building, and then twenty feet after that just this little c rail. It’s just a unique spot that looked and filmed really cool. It’s a shot I always think about.

Spencer Shubert—X Factor: 

We were filming for the 32 Video, 2032, and I think he flew out east on January 1st or 2nd or something. Just a casual East Coast trip to start the season. But it started snowing and it literally didn’t stop snowing on the east coast until the end of March. We just drove around the East Coast, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire for literally three months and it just snowed almost every day. Snowmageddon, that was 2015. But I think this spot was in Connecticut. I had a lot of fun filming with Spencer that year he’s always looking for fun unique ways to hit spots, another clip from that part was the surfboard with the bindings strapped to it [laughs]. But this spot, I don’t remember where he got the X-Factor ramp but we were looking for a good spot to plop the ramp down and that one just kind of worked out perfectly and I really like that shot. I like the way it’s filmed and the trick is super cool on that spot. I always think about that one as well. And that part is one of my favorite things I’ve put together, a lot of cool tricks, cool spots, I love the song. 

Johnny O’Connor—Boardslide: 

This one is just crazy bust. It’s at, like, the National Museum of Kazakhstan. Crazy bust. We set up for it the night before at like midnight and I think we just went super early the next morning before the museum opened. I think he had a decent amount of tries before we got kicked out, maybe fifteen or sixteen tries. Maybe twenty tries. But sick spot, pretty big, really cool, high bust. It was gigantic and it had a really short run-out too. I think he wanted to do switch lip sameway which he definitely would’ve had if we hadn’t got kicked out. It would’ve been sick. 

Mike Rav—Line:



I just like this one because it’s a unique spot and I like the way that it’s filmed. I had been looking for a spot to film like that for a long time. Like, moving with some zoom action and it just worked out perfectly. I really like the angle, up above on the bridge, looking down at it. It makes it look like a crazy spot like you’ll look at it and go, where the hell is that? Or what is that, what are they snowboarding in? I think it was part of the Erie Canal, or maybe something else, but it’s over there where the Erie Canal is. I just always think about that shot. It’s just one of my favorite shots.